Swift Language Course

Learn iOS App Development by building iOS apps using Swift


With the inception of iOS, the technology has completely taken over the app development market. The advancement in the demand of iOS platform has resulted in an increase in the demand of iPhone app developer. The app developers enriched with the capabilities to go along the flow of developing and using the iOS platform are accepted by the companies open handed. If you are still searching for the best iPhone Training Institute in Jaipur, then your search ends at �Dicazo Institute'. We are one of the best institutes providing the in-depth iPhone Training in Jaipur covering each and every detail of the course. The course details range from the basics like an introduction, Objective-C, Swift and concepts of OOPS to the advanced concepts like interface building, database handling, app debugging, etc. After providing the basic training in the iPhone Development Training, we also evaluate the student's learning by taking individual module tests and a course completion test. The students also have to submit a final project after which they receive a training completion certificate. Students can use that certificate at the time of the interview.

s swift

Whuat Will I Learn?


  • Flexible Batch timing
  • Subject Notes
  • Supplemental Resources
  • Portfolio Preparation
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Get Real time Projects to Practice
  • Attend 2 to 3 Classes with free of cost
  • Free Technical Support after completing course
  • If you absent any classes, back up Classes available
  • Free Technical Support on Freelancing Projects to Earn more Money
  • Free Interntet and Laboratory Facility

Placement Program

Job Assurity: Placement Support. Assist you to get JOB in top MNC’s, Mid & Small scale Companies

Resume Preparation Support

Conducted 2 to 3 Mock Tests

Mock Interviews to increase your confident level

You have opportunities to work on Real time Case Studies

Curriculum For This Course

1 – Introduction to MAC OS-X latest

• Introduction to MAC OS-X latest 10.x
• Working with Desktop Visual Environment
• Working with Desktop Preference Settings
• MAC Security Settings


2 – X-Code

• Introduction & Features
• Configuring for iPhone and MAC
• Exploring the Interface Builder


3 – Objective-C (Pre-requisite : C) / Swift (Pre-requisite : Core Java)

• Introduction
• Compiling and Running Programs
• Explaining First Hello World Program
• Underlying C Programming
• Data Type and Expression
• More on Data Type and Expression
• Program Looping
• Making Decision, Pre-Processor
• Object and Classes, Inheritance
• Polymorphism
• Working with Property and Self
• Categories and Protocols, Delegates


4 – Foundation Framework – COCOA

• Introduction
• Number, String and Collections


5 – Introduction to iPhone

• What is iPhone, iPhone Help


6 – iPhone SDK

• What is iPhone SDK
• Development Framework
• iPhone SDK Setup
• X-Code with iPhone
• iPhone Simulator


7 – iPhone Architecture

• iPhone Architecture
• iPhone GUI & Package
• iPhone Applications
• iPhone Application Framework
• iPhone Libraries
• Interface Builder
• Outlet, IB Action
• Action

8 – Creating User Interface

• iPhone UI Design using Interface Builder
• Creating First Hello World Program


9 – Programming Storyboard and XIB Files

• Handling Multiple UI
• Data sharing between UI


10 – Programming User Attention

• Alert Views
• Input from Text Views
• Action Sheet


11 – Controls Programming

• Label, Edit Text, Text Field
• Text View, Buttons
• Handling Images
• Animation, Steppers
• Sliders, Switches
• Segmented Control
• Web Views, Scrolling Views
• Activity Indicator View
• Progress View, Table View
• Table View Cell
• Date Picker, Tab Bar
• Bar Button Item
• Flexible Space Bar Item


12 – Programming Media

• Playing Audio Files
• Playing Video Files


13 – Integration with other Application / Apps

• Address Book
• Twitter, Facebook, Google
• E-mail


14 – Reading and Writing Application Data

• Accessing Application Default Preference
• Accessing iPhone File Systems


15 – Database access using Core-Data

• Assessing Core-Data


16 – Auto Layout

• Responsive Layout for any screen size


17 – Database access using Realm

• Faster access to database


18 – Access 3rd Party from GIT hub

• AF Networking, MF side menu, expandable table view


Who is the target audience?


At the end of every successful Subject each student should be able to create a very well defined portfolio for him or herself, this portfolios help in defining the abilities of each student.


So start developing innovative featured App for iPhone-7 or 6S smart phones and published on Apple Store word wide in few days from most credible Institution. Develop apps for Mac or iPod which is dedicated on OS X platform and be sure for your placement in mobile industry. It is the future of Apple app development whether mobile/pad/tv/watch/desktop. If rumors are true the Android apps could be developed using Swift soon. IBM is also pushing hard with its cognitive computing SDK and API written in swift. Swift being open source could gain momentum for favorite programming language for linux platform too.


The most important reason why you should consider coming to DICAZO to learn this course is because DICAZO COMPUTER INSTITUTE offers the most integrated courses with the maximum possibility of job opportunities on your profile. As a part of DICAZO India which is a leading platform with thousands of Alumna’s and Alumnus’s whom have since graduation from the course have been making waves all over there chosen area of concentration while earning big time Cash and Paychecks, DICAZO Jaipur holds much more than just assurance for this course. For more info’s on course details or any other issues please call us on 91 7976882245 or mail to:- dicazoinfo@gmail.com.

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If your want to know about the fees of swift language Course then please contact us on this number 7976882245 or you can drop us a mail on dicazoinfo@gmail.com
Dicazo Computer Institute is the best institute for swift language Course. We offer fully practice -oriented design and media courses with 100% placement assurance. Our expert faculties provide individual guidance to help you groom as an industry-ready, trained professional. We have highly qualified teachers and flexible batch timings. Our course fees is reasonable you can compare with other. You can pay fees in installments. So hurry up and enroll today.
Swift is compiled programming language developed by Apple for developing Applications for iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. 1. Easy to Understand : Swift reads quite close to English, so it is easy to pick up for beginners. 2. Scalability Easy to Maintain: "Swift" is a statically-typed language and xCode will check your code for errors before it builds your app. Fast: Because of Statically-typed language Swift is much faster as compare to other languages. 3. Optimized Memory-Usage
Next 10 years? Geeze, that is a huge timeline, at least for tech. The industry may well discover The Next Big Thing by then an have pivoted. Then again the personal computer was a big deal for around 30 years, so �smart phones� may still have a decade left(after the 10 year horizon) to play king in. For the sake of brevity any �it will� below is really �I think it has a reasonable chance, but hey, if I could accurately predict the future I wouldn�t be messing about on Quora, I would be on my own private beach on my own private island� In the short term it will finally get binary stability, and that should improve adoption in it�s current niche of �iPhone apps� (and macOS, and iOS, and �). In the short term it will also show it is serious about source compatibility (the most recent version has don a lot better then the prior versions�), which will also help prod people over the fence. That is all about �coming good on current promises� that are actually holding people back from using it where it is the strongest (Apple�s platforms!). In the longer term, well there is a stated goal to scale from shell scripting (Python�s kingdom) to systems programming (C�s castle). It can�t live in C�s world right now, and it is pretty clunky as a shell scripting language today. I have seen clear plans on getting better at being a system�s language. I don�t think that is really a huge popularity changing thing though�. the shell scripting thing would make a bigger difference, many people get into programming that way, and having a single language that can �scale� that way would really drive it�s popularity. In the longer term I think the playground will also help drive popularity, but I�m not sure the playground itself will change radically. It will get used more though (as in more lesson plans will be written, we currently have some very beginner lessons, a smattering of intermediate, and basically nothing advanced�I think more beginner and beginning to intermediate bridge lessons will get written�and maybe at some point a University will decide Swift is interesting to show some �real CS� and we will see interesting red-black tree balancing animations or something in future playground lessons. Better concurrency is on the medium term promises list already, and I expect something will happen there�I don�t know how good it will be. Maybe it�ll be good enough to get some Erlang type wins, or maybe we already have too many escape holes to ever get that level of reliability (and mere massave/safe concurrency doesn�t get you all of Erlang�s good features�) Better generic support is on the horizon as well. If Swift really wants to be a systems programming language (and serious server language) it probably needs to get it�s ducks in a row about having some minimal recovery from failed assertions/preconditions/anythign with a bang in it�then again the most serious systems language of all (C) basically says �your own your own buddy, try to do something system specific with signal handlers and longjmp if you want�, so maybe that isn�t really needed. Will Swift actually break out of it�s �Apple-almost-entirely� niche? It could, but many many languages have oped to have an expanded role over their lifetimes, and most fail and fade into obscurity, most never leave their niche (Java did�although it lost it�s original home, so maybe that isn�t the best example of what I hope Swift does in the future).
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