Make 2D art for games. From icons to animations. Using GIMP - the free Photoshop alternative.
GIMP is a super powerful, free, 2D art package. It's also 'open source' which means it's owned by the community, and constantly updated. Most of the features of the much more expensive Photoshop are available, giving you the power to create industry strength 2D art. The challenge with this course is it can be intimidating for beginners, especially those who don't have much confidence in art or drawing. We make learning from scratch easy with our simple step-by-step process. Even if you have no prior experience in drawing, or computer art, we'll take you from the very basics. By investing in a structured course like this you'll learn faster and more effectively than on your own.
Job Assurity: Placement Support. Assist you to get JOB in top MNC’s, Mid & Small scale Companies
Resume Preparation Support
Conducted 2 to 3 Mock Tests
Mock Interviews to increase your confident level
You have opportunities to work on Real time Case Studies
Emotion Icons - Get Creative At 8x8 Pixels
Game Icons - Creating 32x32 Pixel Art
Animated Sprites
Character Sketch
Tiling Textures
Students who complete this course have the following career options
The most important reason why you should consider coming to DICAZO to learn this course is because DICAZO COMPUTER INSTITUTE offers the most integrated courses with the maximum possibility of job opportunities on your profile. As a part of DICAZO India which is a leading platform with thousands of Alumna’s and Alumnus’s whom have since graduation from the course have been making waves all over there chosen area of concentration while earning big time Cash and Paychecks, DICAZO Jaipur holds much more than just assurance for this course. For more info’s on course details or any other issues please call us on 91 7976882245 or mail to:-
Ios Game Designing + Android Game Development
If you have any question about the course then you can find it here.