Learn the C# programming language, the most widely used language for .NET from Microsoft experts.
C Sharp Training Courses provide an exhaustive coverage of C# programming language features like Object-oriented Programming, Inheritance, Interfaces, Exception Handling, Reflection, Standard I/O programming, File Handling, Generics, Windows Application using Winforms, File I/O, XML in .NET, ADO.NET, Web Services and Deployment. It also gives an overview of .NET framework 3.0 features like WPF, WCF and WF. C# is a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft within its .NET initiative led by Anders Hejlsberg. These videos will teach you basic C# programming and will also take you through various advanced concepts related to C# programming language.
Work with primitive types and expressions
Work with non-primitive types (classes, structs, arrays and enums)
Learn the difference between value types and reference types
Job Assurity: Placement Support. Assist you to get JOB in top MNC’s, Mid & Small scale Companies
Resume Preparation Support
Conducted 2 to 3 Mock Tests
Mock Interviews to increase your confident level
You have opportunities to work on Real time Case Studies
C# - Introduction
C# - Environment Setup
C# - Program Structure
C# - Basic Program
C# - Data Types
C# - Type Casting
C# - Nullable Type
C# - Operators
C# - Control Statement
C# - Conditional Statement
C# - If else Statement
C# - Switch Statement
C# - Loops / Iteration Statement
C# - For Loop
C# - While Loop
C# - Do While Loop
C# - Jump Statement
C# - Arrays
C# - Methods
C# - String
C# - String Builder
C# - Preprocessor Directive
C# - Introduction to Oops
C# - Implementing Class
C# - Class Members
C# - Constructors
C# - Object Initializer
C# - Method Overloading
C# - Operator Overloading
C# - Access specifiers
C# - Properties
C# - Indexer
C# - Inheritance
C# - Data Hiding
C# - Method Overriding
C# - Abstract Class
C# - Interface
C# - Sealed Class
C# - Partial Class
C# - Generic Class
C# - Struct
C# - Enum
C# Advanced
C# - Delegate
C# - Generic Delegate
C# - Anonymous Method
C# - Lambda Expression
C# - Introduction to GUI
C# - Exception Handling
C# - Custom Exception
C# - Regular Expression
C# - Collections
C# - Generic Collection
C# - File Handling
C# - Attribute
C# - Extension Method
C# - Assembly
C# - Reflection
C# - Multi-Threading
C# - Task Parallel Library
C# - Asynchronous Programming
At the end of every successful Subject each student should be able to create a very well defined portfolio for him or herself, this portfolios help in defining the abilities of each student.
C# ranks solidly in the top 10 languages on essentially all of the popular ranking web sites. Of course it can be the engine of a good career.
The most important reason why you should consider coming to DICAZO to learn this course is because DICAZO COMPUTER INSTITUTE offers the most integrated courses with the maximum possibility of job opportunities on your profile. As a part of DICAZO India which is a leading platform with thousands of Alumna’s and Alumnus’s whom have since graduation from the course have been making waves all over there chosen area of concentration while earning big time Cash and Paychecks, DICAZO Jaipur holds much more than just assurance for this course. For more info’s on course details or any other issues please call us on 91 7976882245 or mail to:- dicazoinfo@gmail.com.
If you have any question about the course then you can find it here.