UI/UX Design Course In Bangalore



Are you interested in learning how to develop Android apps? This comprehensive course will teach you everything you need to know, from the basics of Java programming to advanced topics like Android Studio and Firebase. This course is perfect for students and working professionals who want to learn a valuable new skill or take their career to the next level. Benefits of Android App Development Course: Learn in-demand skills and get a high-paying job as an Android developer. Build your own apps and publish them on the Google Play Store. Gain valuable experience and add it to your portfolio. Be part of a growing and exciting industry.


  • Introduction to Android and the mobile app development landscape
  • Setting up your development environment with Android Studio
  • Understanding the Android app structure and components
  • Activity Lifecycle and managing app states
  • User Interface (UI) design principles and best practices
  • Kotlin basics: syntax, data types, operators, control flow
  • Functions, classes, and objects in Kotlin
  • Object-oriented programming concepts: inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation
  • Collections, lambdas, and higher-order functions in Kotlin
  • Working with Views and Layouts: TextView, Button, EditText, etc.
  • Creating Layouts with ConstraintLayout, RelativeLayout, and LinearLayout
  • Implementing menus, toasts, and dialogs
  • Using data binding to connect UI elements to data
  • Introduction to Jetpack Compose for modern UI development
  • Working with SQLite databases for local data storage
  • Shared preferences for storing app settings and user data
  • Networking with Retrofit and Volley for fetching data from APIs
  • Room persistence library for simplified data access
  • Multithreading and asynchronous programming with Coroutines
  • Background processes and services
  • Location-based services and Google Maps integration
  • Security and best practices for robust app development
  • Testing your app with JUnit and Espresso
  • Preparing your app for the Google Play Store
  • App signing and release process
  • Marketing and promoting your app to reach users


  • Mobile App Developer
  • Senior Mobile Application Engineer
  • Freelance App Developer
  • Product Manager
  • Consultant


Dicazo Computer Instituteis your one-stop destination for mastering

Computer Courses. With experienced instructors, a comprehensive curriculum, personalized support, and state-of-the-art facilities, Dicazo equips you with the skills and experience to launch a successful career in this thriving industry.

Dicazo is widely recognized as one of the best computer institutes, offering a comprehensive range of computer courses. With a commitment to excellence and a strong track record, Dicazo has gained a reputation as a premier institution for computer education. Here's an overview of Dicazo as the best computer institute provides multiple computer courses:

  1. Commitment to Excellence: Dicazo is dedicated to providing top-notch education and ensuring the success of its students. Their faculty comprises experienced professionals who bring industry expertise and practical knowledge to the classroom.

  2. Comprehensive Course Offerings: Dicazo offers a diverse range of computer courses, covering various domains and technologies. These include software development, web design and development, data science and analytics, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, networking, and more.

  3. Experienced Faculty: Dicazo's faculty members are experts in their respective fields, equipped with both academic qualifications and industry experience. They possess a deep understanding of the subject matter and guide students through practical hands-on projects, fostering a holistic learning experience.

  4. Hands-On Training and Projects: Dicazo emphasizes practical learning by incorporating hands-on training and real-world projects into their courses. This approach allows students to apply theoretical concepts to practical scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

  5. Placement Assistance: Dicazo understands the importance of successful career outcomes for its students. The institute provides dedicated placement support, connecting students with industry partners and facilitating job placements. Their strong industry connections and alumni network further enhance the placement opportunities for students.


Course Name: Android App Development Course
Course Duration: 3 Months - 6 Months
Timing: 10AM - 8PM
Batch: Monday - Friday
Registration: Click Here




Q1. Where can I learn Android App Development Course?

You can learn Android App Development Course at Dicazo Institute in Bangalore. Dicazo Institute offers courses in Android App Development Course that can provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field.

Q2. Is any prior computer experience required to enroll in Android App Development Course?
Dicazo Institute's Android App Development Course is designed with a beginner-friendly approach. While having some basic computer familiarity is advantageous, it is not a strict requirement. The courses often start from the fundamentals, including basic computer operations and software usage. As you progress through the curriculum, you will gradually learn to work with relevant design software and tools.
Q3. What skills do I need to become a Android App Developer?
To become a Android App Developer, it is beneficial to have a combination of technical and soft skills. Technical skills include proficiency in design software, prototyping tools, understanding of front-end development principles, and knowledge of usability testing methods. Soft skills like creativity, empathy, communication, problem-solving, and the ability to collaborate effectively are also essential for successful Android App Developer.
Q4. Which Institute Provide Flexible Learning option?
Dicazo institute offer online or part-time Android App Development Course to accommodate students with other commitments.
Q5. How can I apply for the Android App Development Course?
You can likely apply through Dicazo Institute's official website. we have an application process that includes submitting Google Form and possibly attending an interview.